Did you know that despite cold climate, solar technologies – even cooling – interest citizens and R&D organisations in Finland?

Finland is one of the coldest countries in Europe. Perhaps surprisingly, however, there is an interest in solar cooling in Finland. 

As a recent example, VTT and German company ZAE Bayern have developed a solar-powered 10 kW chiller. As a result, the head office of participating Finnish company Savo-Solar Plc was successfully cooled using the pilot system built for the project.  The chiller was tested as an air-conditioner for office building during the summer and for heating it during the winter.  Solar collectors on the roof of the building were used to collect the required energy. If the collectors did not produce enough energy during, say, the winter, or on a cloudy day, a heat pump served as a substitute energy source. 

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Moreover, the support for the increase of solar electricity is highest among all the energy sources among citizens.  88 % of the Finns consider that production of solar electricity should be increased in Finland.

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